Hi, I’m Kevin. And I’m Brie. Welcome to Kevin and Brie Save the World: A Comedy Advice Podcast. We’re a podcast that makes the world a better place by inspiring and empowering a community of people helping people through compassionate advice and friendship. We’re two friends, performing artists, educators, millennial philosophers, and all around funny humans who have been told we give great…advice.
We’ll address listener questions and insights on relevant topics of the day (relationships, personal development, budgeting, dealing with quarantine and the new pandemic life), and we’ll also bring you heart-felt stories and interesting cultural to-dos.If you’re bored in quarantine, looking for a laugh, need some new audio pals, love podcasts, or just want to feel better about life and your role as an evolving human being, then we hope you’ll join our community of fabulous oddballs and uniquely flawed humans. It’s OK to make mistakes; it’s OK to be human, we’re learning as we go, too. This is how we’re saving the world – one advice podcast at a time.
Have a question and need some advice?
Send us an email: kevinandbriepodcast@gmail.com, or DM us on IG @kevinandbriepodcast